@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012899, author = {島村, 徹也}, issue = {3}, journal = {IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences}, month = {}, note = {For the purpose of equalisation of rapidly time variant multipath channels, we derive a novel adaptive algorithm, the amplitude banded LMS(ABLMS), which implements a non-linear adaptation based on a coefficient matrix. Then we develop the ABLMS algorithm as the adaptation procedure for a linear transversal equaliser(LTE)and a decision feedback equaliser(DFE)where a parallel adaptation scheme is deployed. Computer simulations demonstrate that with a small increase of computational complexity, the ABLMS based parallel equalisers provide a significant improvement related to the conventional LMS DFE and the LMS LTE in the case of a second order Markov communication channel model., copyright(c)2001 IEICE 許諾番号:07RB0174  http://www.ieice.org/jpn/trans_online/index.html, text, application/pdf}, pages = {802--812}, title = {Equalisation of Time Variant Multipath Channels Using Amplitude Banded LMS Algorithms(Digital Signal Processing)(Regular Section)}, volume = {E84-A}, year = {2001}, yomi = {シマムラ, テツヤ} }