@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013748, author = {桑島, 豊 and 重原, 孝臣}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本応用数理学会論文誌, Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, month = {}, note = {We improve divide-and-conquer with multiple divisions for real symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem proposed in [13]. The main improvements are the following two. The first is that we succeed in developing an algorithm for keeping the orthogonality among eigenvectors in double-precision floating-point number processing without a substantial increase of numerical cost. As a result, all the calculations are done without quadruple-precision floating-point number processing, which is required in [13]. The second is that we implement a deflation effect which substantially decreases numerical cost. As a result of these two improvements, we succeed in developing a program for real symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem which is even faster than a LAPACK routine DSTEVD, while keeping a numerical accuracy comparable to DSTEVD., rights: 日本応用数理学会 rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである relation: IsVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006197072/, text, application/pdf}, pages = {453--480}, title = {実対称三重対角固有値問題に対する多分割の分割統治法の改良(理論, 行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用, <特集>平成18年研究部会連合発表会)}, volume = {16}, year = {2006}, yomi = {クワジマ, ユタカ and シゲハラ, タカオミ} }