@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016126, author = {吉田, 紀彦 and 田中, 健介 and 澤村, 崇博 and 松本, 倫子}, journal = {埼玉大学紀要. 工学部 第1編 第1部 論文集, The Science and Engineering Reports of Saitama University}, month = {}, note = {Ad-hoc networks do not need particluar network equipments such as routers or base stations, and they are autonomously constructed from end-user terminals (nodes). In ad-hoc networks, routing is one of the most important issues so that nodes communicate with target nodes, and various protocols have been proposed. One of the most promising is Clusterbased routing. The Advantages of using cluster are mainly alleviation of flooding and amount of routing information that nodes maintain. However, as situations and topologies of an ad-hoc network are various and dynamic, it is difficult for a single fixed protocol to perform well for all occasions. Therefore, some dynamic and adaptive mechanism in routing protocols is necessary. In this paper, we propose an adaptive routing system for ad-hoc networks. This system begins in the same manner as a reactive protocol, and when the network situation gets unsuitable for the protocol, the system changes its manner of routing with a cluster-head in Cluster-based Routing, which emerges autonomously at the place of “hot spots” in the network. Consequently, this protocol system constructs clusters in a dynamic and adaptive manner., text, application/pdf}, pages = {102--106}, title = {アドホックネットワークにおける動的クラスタリングに基づく適応型経路制御<速報>}, volume = {39}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヨシダ, ノリヒコ and タナカ, ケンスケ and サワムラ, タカヒコ and マツモト, ノリコ} }