@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016284, author = {伊藤, 誠 and 川上, 拓治 and 橋本, 慎也}, journal = {埼玉大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要, Journal of Integrated Center for Clinical and Educational Practice}, month = {}, note = {On June 16 and June 21, 2011, we carried out a music appreciation verification class using Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 1, First Movement with the cooperation of the elementary school attached to Saitama University. The same class content was used on both days (including class flow). Fourth-grade students participated on the 16th and fifth-grade students participated on the 21st. In adherence to the spirit of the revisions to the Teaching Guidelines, we had students listen for "Musical Structure" (B Appreciation (1) b) and Common Subject Matter A (a) Timbre and Melody and (b) Repetition and Variation, and asked them to discern the "beauty of the work of music" created through the workings of these elements. Then, we set the objective of the material to "Understand the characteristics of Horn Concerto No.1, First Movement by grasping the musical structure while appreciating the mood of the piece." Considering the effective use of visual materials, we planned and prepared the class while envisioning three stages of listening: (1) Feeling Stage (memory of main melodies); (2) Deepening Listening Stage (grasp of structural elements, hearing the timbres of the horn and violins); and (3) Appreciation Stage (grasp of the piece as a whole). This paper reveals a certain level of progress (learning retention rate) based on the results of learning worksheets collected at the end of the class, mainly regarding whether students were able to listen and pick up the main melodies, and whether they could explain how to listen to the piece of music., text, application/pdf}, pages = {95--101}, title = {楽曲構造の理解にせまる鑑賞授業の取り組み : 附属小学校との協働による検証授業を通して}, volume = {11}, year = {2012}, yomi = {イトウ, マコト and カワカミ, タクジ and ハシモト, シンヤ} }