@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016492, author = {坂本, 和彦 and 王, 青躍 and 大須賀, 肇太 and 薫, 旭輝 and 陳, 岩 and 王, 偉}, journal = {埼玉大学地域オープンイノベーションセンター紀要, Report of Comprehensive Open Innovation Center, Saitama University}, month = {}, note = {For the purpose of comprehensive evaluation of not only CO2 but all GHGs and aerosols and air pollutants through complicate chemical reaction and physical process in the global atmosphere, and co-benefit of air pollution controls, we would carry out emission factor analysis from cooking stoves in rural housing in China as a typical small combustion source, however by the budget constraint we promoted preparation of experimental laboratory work only in this first year of the project as shown the experimental design of BC emissions in the text. In the next year we would promote the emission factor experiment observation on Black carbon (BC : a kind of aerosols having green house effect) and observation of ambient levoglucosan concentration to analyze accurate influence of BC and policy effect., text, application/pdf}, pages = {91--95}, title = {エアロゾル排出係数に関する研究 : バイオマス燃焼による排出粒子(ECとOC)の測定について}, volume = {1}, year = {2009}, yomi = {サカモト, カズヒコ and オウ, セイヨウ} }