@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016940, author = {柴田, 勝征}, journal = {社会科学論集, SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review)}, month = {}, note = {This paper examines the four most essential theories and concepts as 'hypotheses' to identify the educational reform in the historical development of the modern world. The first 'hypothesis' is Alvin Toffler's "Third Wave" theory (1980). It predicted a fundamental change starting with 'IT revolution.' The second is the "Overproduction crisis" theory, found in Karl Marx’s "Das Kapital". In order to avoid this crisis the global capitalism is obliged to continuously 'invent' tricky policies. As the third hypothesis, the author selected psychiatrist Toshiro Sugiyama’s concept of "Asperger". Sugiyama claims that many of those who play important roles in our society have so-called 'pseudo-Asperger' characteristics. Lastly, the "Reversal denouement kids" coined by Takito Totsuka, a former primary school teacher, was examined. According to Totsuka, some children around the age of 10 show a sudden dramatic development of academic performance. With these four hypotheses in mind, this paper proposes a modern educational reform based on the consciousness of the "plurality of the intellectual developments of the human individuals"., 1. 「第3 の波」仮説(A. トフラー) 2. 「過剰生産恐慌」仮説(K. マルクス) 3. 「アスペルガー」仮説(杉山登志郎) 4. 「どんでん返しキッズ」仮説(戸塚滝登) 5. 今こそ「人間の知的発達の多様性」を自覚した教育の創生を, text, application/pdf}, pages = {39--53}, title = {現代教育学の根本問題[論文]}, volume = {133}, year = {2011} }