@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017178, author = {武井, 和人 and 坪子, 和美}, journal = {日本アジア研究 : 埼玉大学大学院文化科学研究科博士後期課程紀要, Journal of Japanese & Asian Studies}, month = {}, note = {足利義尚撰『新百人一首』は、異種百人一首の嚆矢と考へられてをり、続群書類従(巻第三百七十五)や日本歌学大系(別巻六)に収められて、広く流布してゐる作品である。近時、小論の筆者が入手した江戸初期写の一本(以下架蔵本)は、流布本と比較するに、歌順が全く異なり、また、多くの異同を有することが分つた。そこで、二十本程度の諸本を調査してみた結果、その多くは流布本と同じ内容であつたものの、架蔵本と同じ内容を持つ伝本も少数ながら見出すに至つた。 そこで、架蔵本の如き内容を持つ伝本群をかりに「異本」と見做し、その釈文を架蔵本によつて示すとともに、諸本との校異を掲出して、広く研究者に公開することを企図した。また、架蔵本の書誌事項を中心とした解題を付した。 The New One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each, compiled by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshihisa (d. 1489), is believed to be the earliest of several imitations of the original Ogura Hyakunin lsshu attributed to Fujiwara Teika (d. 1421). Typographical editions appear in Shoku gunshoruijû (fascicle 375) and Nihon kagaku taikei (Supplementary Volume 6) and prior to these the text circulated widely in manuscript and xylograph. An early Edo period manuscript (hereunder “Takei MS.”) recently acquired by a co-author of this article exhibits considerable departures from the received text (rufubon); the ordering of the poems is different and textual variants are numerous. Upon comparison with 20 some other manuscripts and editions, it became clear that while the majority of these generally concur with the received text, three manuscripts were found to agree substantially with Takei MS. In view of the above, we have designated Takei MS. and its cohort as a Variant Text, and herewith present a transcription of the Takei MS., collated against three other versions of the Variant Text and 20 versions of the received text, with a view to making this material available to scholars. Bibliographical remarks, primarily a description of Takei MS., have been appended., text, application/pdf}, pages = {1--24}, title = {異本『新百人一首』釈文 附簡校・解題《翻刻》}, volume = {11}, year = {2014} }