@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017742, author = {小澤, 基弘 and 八桁, 健 and 有原, 穂波}, issue = {2}, journal = {埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education}, month = {}, note = {It is very important for the students of faculty of education to learn independently what their expressions are from the process of seeking and confronting them by way of draw-ing. We consider that students could understand in future what the expression of each child would be if they strongly can feel conscious about what their own expressions are. We now practice the method of introducing SNS (facebook) into the drawing class for realizing this purpose. At the class on every Wednesday, each student and I (Kozawa) talk about his or her drawings face to face, and after the class I assign each student a duty of updating at the special folder for this class on SNS the images of all drawings of this week and the short comment of his or her awareness of expression. Every student at this class can access this folder freely and can get to know what other students are thinking about their expressions. They can exchange their opinions at that folder freely out of the time of class and so they could facilitate the progress of their self-reflections of expressions. This kind of communication and empathy through SNS might be effectivefor the next motivation for each student’s drawing., text, application/pdf}, pages = {1--10}, title = {ドローイングを手立てとした大学の絵画授業におけるSNS利用の可能性とその効果についての実践的考察Ⅰ : 自他作品の相互共有を通して促進される省察の深まり<教育科学>}, volume = {64}, year = {2015}, yomi = {コザワ, モトヒロ and ヤゲタ, ケン and アリハラ, ホナミ} }