@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018274, author = {大隈, 慎吾}, issue = {11}, journal = {政策と調査}, month = {}, note = {毎日新聞社と埼玉大学社会調査研究センターが2015年に実施した郵送世論調査では,回答の見返りに謝礼を受け取るか同額の寄付をするかを回答者自身が選択した.集計の結果,本調査では謝礼を選んだ方が少数派となった.さらに,謝礼を選んだ回答の傾向から生活に不満をもち将来に不安があるが,政治や社会には無関心な都会の若者といった特徴をもつ層が比較的多いことがわかった.そのような層は生活するのに手いっぱいなので,機会損失の補償として謝礼を要求した可能性がある.また,謝礼を選んだ回答と公募モニターによるインターネット調査の回答に類似性がみられた. In a mail survey conducted by The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd and Saitama University's Social Survey Research Center in 2015, a portion of the respondents received money for answering, while other respondents donated the same amount of money to charity. The former accounted for a minor portion of the respondents in this survey. The stereotypical respondents who receive money were urban youth, who are dissatisfied with their lives and feel fear about their futures. However, they are not generally interested in politics and society. Since they are very busy with their business and family lives, it is speculated that they claimed the reward as compensation for opportunity loss. Furthermore, there are many similarities between their answers and those of online surveys that use a self-selected panel., 1.はじめに 2.調査への協力状況は変化したか 3.寄付群と謝礼群で回答者の属性は異なるか 4.寄付群と謝礼群で回答者の意識は異なるか 5.終わりに, text, application/pdf}, pages = {39--50}, title = {インセンティブの違いが調査協力および回答内容に及ぼす影響 : 金券と寄付の事例〔論文〕}, year = {2016}, yomi = {オオクマ, シンゴ} }