@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018329, author = {戸田, 裕美子}, journal = {社会科学論集, SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review)}, month = {}, note = {In this paper, the author investigates the philosophical development of Dr. Seijji Tsutsumi's theory of distribution industry and criticism of consumer society. Dr. Tsutsumi was a president of Seibu Department Store and was a founder of the huge Seibu Distribution Group (later renamed as Saison Group), which consisted of approximately 200 companies in numerous industries. He also wrote many economic articles and books on the Distribution Revolution in Japan, in addition to poems and novels. He had a rare distinction of having a high reputation as a practitioner and also as a writer and novelist. This study illustrates his business background as a leader in the retail sector in Japan, dating back to the mid-1950s. Further, the author analyses his writings, including Tsutsumi (1963, 1976, 1977, 1979a, 1979b, 1985, and 1996) and interprets the significant elements of his unique theory of distribution industry. As a conclusion, the author discusses that the Muij business, which is one of the businesses created by Dr. Tsutsumi, has inherited the core concept of his theory and philosophy based on ‘logic of humanity’., 1.はじめに 2.堤清二の事業展開  2-1.西武百貨店の成長  2-2.拡大戦略と西武流通資本グループの形成  2-3.質販事業集団への転換  2-4.生活総合産業とセゾン文化の創造 3.堤清二の流通産業論と消費社会批判  3-1.流通革命論における資本的視野と社会的視野  3-2.マージナル産業としての流通産業  3-3.流通産業論の視角とマーケット主導型産業への変革  3-4.消費社会の概念とマクロ・マーケティング論  3-5.堤清二の流通産業論と消費社会批判における理論的問題の変遷 4.おわりに, text, application/pdf}, pages = {15--44}, title = {堤清二の流通産業論と消費社会批判《特別寄稿》}, volume = {154}, year = {2018}, yomi = {トダ, ユミコ} }