@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018350, author = {鈴木, 隆生 and 葉石, 光一}, issue = {2}, journal = {埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education}, month = {}, note = {The purpose of the current study was to discuss the effective autonomy support in team teaching for students with intellectual disabilities. We observed the learning activities of farm work in a special school for students with intellectual disabilities. In the farm work, teachers need to urge their students to engage in work necessary for the growth of crops. On the other hand, teachers need to respect what students want to do. In this study, we examined the method to support the students’ autonomy in their farm works. The results suggested that the key to establish both autonomy support and urging students to engage in their works was the relatedness between teachers and students. In the team teaching, one teacher takes the lead for the delivery of the learning activity and the other teacher assists the students’ activities. The assistive teacher has responsibility to establish the relatedness between teacher and student., text, application/pdf}, pages = {153--164}, title = {知的障害のある生徒を対象とするティーム・ティーチングにおける自律性支援<教育科学>}, volume = {67}, year = {2018}, yomi = {スズキ, リュウセイ and ハイシ, コウイチ} }