@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018626, author = {堀江, 浩}, issue = {16}, journal = {政策と調査}, month = {}, note = {選挙における期日前投票制度が広く知られてきて,この制度を使って投票する人が増えている。政党や候補者,運動員らも期日前投票に行くよう呼びかけを強めている。期日前投票の増加は選挙にどのような影響を及ぼしているだろうか。制度が導入された2004 年の参院選以降の国政選挙を分析すると,全体として投票率を押し上げる効果はなく,これまで当日投票に行っていた層が前倒しで投票している可能性が高い。比較的,組織票が多いとされた期日前投票だが,近年は必ずしも組織化されていない層の利用が増え,期日前投票と当日投票の均質化が進んでいる。 Early voting has become popular in elections, resulting in an increased number of people using this option to cast their ballots. Political parties, candidates, and campaign workers are also strongly urging people to vote early. What impact does an increase in early voting have on elections? An analysis of national elections since 2004, when early voting was implemented in an upper house election, indicates that it may not increase overall voter turnout. Rather, it is more likely that those who previously voted on election days are instead now casting early votes. Many early votes were organized votes, but in recent years, voters who are not necessarily part of any organized voting bloc may increasingly use this option, narrowing the difference between early voting and election day turnout., はじめに 1.投票率 2.投票先 3.政党,政治家 4.有権者 5.出口調査, text, application/pdf}, pages = {3--10}, title = {期日前投票の増加は選挙をどう変えたか : 選挙結果と出口調査からの考察〔論文〕}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ホリエ, ヒロシ} }