@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018866, author = {萩原, 潤治}, issue = {17}, journal = {政策と調査}, month = {}, note = {世論調査の有効率の低下が問題になるなか,NHK 放送文化研究所は,住民基本台帳から無作為に選んだ調査相手に対する「WEB 世論調査」の可能性を探る実験調査を行った.その結果,以下の知見を得た.  ・ 30 代以上では,WEB 式調査の有効率は郵送調査と差がない水準を得られたが,若年層の有効率の向上には効果がみられなかった  ・ WEB 式調査のサンプル構成比は,住民基本台帳から大きく乖離していない  ・ WEB 回答・WEB 式調査と郵送調査では,全体的にみれば,方式による回答差はほぼないと言える こうした結果から,WEB 式調査は郵送法と同様の妥当性があると考えられる.ただ,一部の質問では回答差が大きいものもあるため,郵送調査の代替として活用するには継続した検証が必要であろう. With low response rates posing a challenge to public opinion surveys, the NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute conducted an experimental survey to explore the potential of a “Web Public Opinion Survey.” The findings include the following. - For people ages 30 and older, the web method marked a response rate as high as that of the mail survey conducted for comparison. However, effects for improving response rates of younger generations were not observed. - The web method's sample composition ratio of valid respondents does not substantially deviate from that of the Basic Resident Registry. - Regarding the difference in response distributions between the online responses/web method survey and the mail survey, there is little difference between methods. These results indicate that web method surveys are as valid as mail surveys. However, some questions did have a considerable difference in response distributions. To employ web method surveys as an alternative to mail surveys, continuous investigations will be needed., 1. はじめに 2. 調査の設計 3. 有効率 4.サンプル構成 5.回答差  5-1.全体的な回答差の概要  5-2.回答差が大きい質問  5-3.測定方法の違いによる回答差 6.今後の課題と可能性, text, application/pdf}, pages = {5--12}, title = {無作為抽出によるWEB 式世論調査の可能性〔論文〕}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ハギハラ, ジュンジ} }