@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018992, author = {福岡, 安則 and 黒坂, 愛衣}, issue = {17}, journal = {日本アジア研究 : 埼玉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科博士後期課程 (学際系) 紀要, Journal of Japanese & Asian studies}, month = {}, note = {佐川修さん(園名)は,1931 年,韓国の全羅北道生まれ。幼少期に母に連れられて日本にやってきた。民族名は金相権(キムサングォン)。東京大空襲に遭ってハンセン病の症状が出,1945 年3 月26 日に栗生楽泉園に入所。1958 年に身延深敬園へ,さらに1964 年には多磨全生園へ転園し,私たちがお話を聞いた2010 年3 月26 日には,全生園の入所者自治会長のかたわら,国立ハンセン病資料館の運営委員もなさっていた関係で,同資料館の応接間が聞き取りの場となった。聞き取り時点で79 歳。 2015 年5 月に東京で開かれた「第11 回ハンセン病市民学会」で福岡が実行委員会事務局長を買って出たときに,佐川さんに実行委員会委員長をお願いしたところ快く引き受けていただいたこともある。2016 年5 月の韓国の国立ソロクト病院百周年記念で韓国を訪問した際には,韓国テレビKBSの特集番組で佐川さんが金相権の本名で取材に応じている姿が画面に大写しになっていた。 2017 年2 月19 日,体調を崩されて病棟に入院中の佐川さんを見舞ったときに,聞き取りの公表の許可を得た。2018 年1 月24 日ご逝去。享年86。 佐川さんは抜群の記憶力をもとに,その語りは時間・空間を超えていく。そのため,完全には時系列にそった編集を遂行することは諦めざるをえなかった(「少し戻りますが」という質問によって,しばしば時間を巻き戻してしまった聞き手の側の責任もあるが)。栗生楽泉園での「重監房」への飯運び,1947 年の「人権闘争」,1950 年の「殺人事件」の目撃者としての証言は貴重だし,身延深敬園での体験,ハンセン病資料館設立の準備のみならず,休み返上で資料館の運営に心血を注いできたご苦労も,佐川さんだからこそ聞けたことである。 佐川さんの語りで際立つことは,基本的に明るいということだ。東京大空襲という地獄絵図のなかに自ら身を置きながら,九死に一生を得たひとであればこその明るさかと思う。苛酷な現実を生きながら,彼の語りは山菜採り,栗拾いなど豊かな自然に遊ぶ。患者作業の一つとして放送部に出れば,当時流行りの「冗談音楽」を真似てみんなで楽しむ。芝居をとおして壮健者との交流を育む。 今回,聞き取りの音声おこしをして,お元気なときに佐川さんからお話を聞けてほんとうによかったと,あらためて思った。ご冥福を祈る。 Mr. Osamu Sagawa (alias in a Hansen’s disease sanatorium) was born in Jeollabuk-do Province in 1931. He moved to Japan with his mother when he was quite young. His Korean name is Sangkweon Kim. He found that he had Hansen’s disease during the Great Tokyo Air Raid and entered National Sanatorium Kuriu-Rakusenen in March 26, 1945. He moved to a religious sanatorium, Minobu-Jinkyoen in 1958 and then to National Sanatorium Tama-Zenshoen in 1964. When we had the interview with Mr. Sagawa in March 26, 2010, he was 79 years old and he had us at the reception room of the National Hansen’s Disease Museum because he served a steering committee member of the museum and the chair of the Residents’ Association in Tama-Zenshoen at the same time. When I (Fukuoka) served as the executive committee secretary general of 11th Citizen’s Conference on Hansen’s Disease in May 2015, I asked Mr. Sagawa to be the executive committee chair and he willingly accepted the favor. When we visited National Sorokdo Hansen’s Disease Hospital in Korea to attend its 100th anniversary in May 2016, we watched a special TV program by KBS, Korean Broadcasting System, that Mr. Sagawa had an interview by KBS in his Korean name, Sangkweon Kim. We received the interview release permission from Mr. Sagawa in February 19, 2017 when we went to visit him hospitalized. He passed away at the age of 86 in January 24, 2018. Since Mr. Sagawa had good memory, his testimony covered almost all time and space in detail. We had to make an effort to reorganize and edit his huge story. His testimonies as a witness in Kuriu-Rakusenen upon the food rationing to the special prison, the Struggle for Human Rights in 1947, and the murder case in 1950 were precious. The experiences in Minobu-Jinkyoen and his restless effort to establish and manage the Hansen’s Disease Museum were the important information that only Mr. Sagawa was able to tell us. The characteristic feature of Mr. Sagawa’s story is that his storytelling is basically bright. It seems that he was able to keep his composure because he had an experience to survive the hellfire of the Bombing of Tokyo. Although he went through hardship in his entire life, he never lost his composure to enjoy picking wild vegetables and chestnuts. For the community activities, he played humorous music and did acting to interact with non-Hansen’s disease people. We are all happy to hear his healthy and bright voice through the interview recording. We pray for the repose of Mr. Sagawa’s soul., text, application/pdf}, pages = {21--48}, title = {長い在日暮らしをハンセン病罹患者として生きて : 金相権さん聞き取り《調査ノート》}, year = {2020}, yomi = {フクオカ, ヤスノリ and クロサカ, アイ} }