@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019778, author = {木山, 克彦 and 中村, 大介 and 臼杵, 勲 and 正司, 哲朗 and アンフバイル, バツォーリ and ガルダン, ガンバートル and ロチン, イシツェレン}, issue = {1}, journal = {埼玉大学紀要. 教養学部, Saitama University Review. Faculty of Liberal Arts}, month = {Sep}, note = {Authors surveyed a Xiongnu and Uyghur forts and castles in May 2022, mainly in the Orkhon Valley. Many excavations have been carried out in recent years on Xiongnu earth castles, and sites with unprecedented characteristics have been discovered. Many excavations have been carried out in recent years on Xiongnu forts, and sites with unprecedented characteristics have been discovered one after another. As a result of survey, it was found that the Xiongnu forts have regionality. Regarding Uyghur castles, we confirmed that they have diverse structures and clarified their commonalities. As forts and castle in the Mongolian plateau were not built after the Xiongnu until the Uyghurs, finally we discussed its background., text, application/pdf}, pages = {125--148}, title = {モンゴル国における匈奴とウイグルの城址}, volume = {58}, year = {2022}, yomi = {キヤマ, カツヒコ and ナカムラ, ダイスケ and ウスキ, イサオ and ショウジ, テツオ and アンフバイル, バツォーリ and ガルダン, ガンバートル and ロチン, イシツェレン} }