@article{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019931, author = {福岡, 安則 and 黒坂, 愛衣}, issue = {20}, journal = {日本アジア研究 : 埼玉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科博士後期課程 (学際系) 紀要, Journal of Japanese & Asian studies}, month = {}, note = {本稿は一人のハンセン病回復者からの聞き取りであるが,「ある菊池恵楓園入所者のライフストーリー」という茫洋たる題名を付したのは,その語りの内容が凡庸だからではない。逆である。私たちは,これまでに500 人を超えるハンセン病の病歴者やその家族などからの聞き取りを実施してきたが,本稿の語り手,KM さんの語りは,その一つひとつが他の語り手からは聞けなかった新奇な体験に充ちており,なにか一つの体験談だけに焦点をあてての題名付与が困難だったからである。  KM さんは,1930 年,大分県生まれ。戦時中の1942 年,12 歳のときに,菊池恵楓園に入所。療養所で治療しないままで自然治癒。園内で結婚した妻が妊娠するも,園の規則により堕胎。しかも,7 ヵ月の胎児を自分の手で取り出したという。1960 年頃,妻とともに社会復帰。ハンセン病に理解ある会社経営者と出逢い,回復者であることを明かして会社勤め。29 年間の社会生活のなかでのストレスゆえに妻が精神的に追い詰められ,元号が平成に変わる頃に多磨全生園に再入所。2000 年に菊池恵楓園に戻り,2004 年から菊池恵楓園入所者自治会長。聞き取りは,2010 年12 月,恵楓園の自治会の一室にて。聞き取り時点で80 歳。聞き手は福岡安則,黒坂愛衣。  戦後の時期に菊池恵楓園をめぐって起きた菊池事件(ハンセン病がらみで,無実のF さんが憲法違反の「特別法廷」で裁かれ,再審請求を求めていたのに死刑を執行されてしまった冤罪事件)や黒髪小学校事件の舞台裏の語り,全療協本部役員時代の体験,2003 年に熊本県下で起きた宿泊拒否事件に対する当事者としての考え,故郷の肉親との関係のありようなど,どの話も興味がつきない。  2012 年6 月,寮舎を訪ねて原稿の本人確認をしていただくも,2015 年12月,ご逝去。享年85。本人確認の時点では本名のままの語りの公表の了解を得ていたが,すでに亡くなられ,公表にあたっての匿名化の配慮いかんについて再確認する機会を逸したので,ここではイニシャル表記にさせていただいた。  This is the life story of a man who was an ex-patient of Hansen’s disease. KM, the interviewee, was 80 years old when we conducted this interview. The interview took place in Kikuchi Keifuen, one of the national Hansen’s disease sanatoriums in Japan, in December 2010. He was the president of the Association of Kikuchi Keifuen Residents at the time. His narrative shows us the reality of his life during and after World War II, under the Leprosy Prevention Law.  KM was born in Oita in 1930. When he was 12 years old, he entered Keifuen. In 1945 the sanatorium was attacked by U.S. military aircraft, and some residents were killed. He was able to survive by jumping into a bomb shelter which he and other young residents had dug. He was deeply relieved when he heard the news that the war had ended.  In 1950, he married a woman who was also a resident of the sanatorium. At that time Keifuen residents lived in zakkyo beyas, where men and women were forced to live separately in crowded conditions. There were not any dormitories for couples yet, so KM had to go to the woman’s dormitory to see his wife. When his wife got pregnant, she hid the fact not only from the sanatorium authorities but also from him, because she knew that if the authorities found out, the pregnancy would be terminated. In the seventh month of pregnancy, the authorities and KM discovered her pregnancy. She was forced to have the abortion.  When KM was 30 years old, he left the sanatorium with his wife, and they lived outside the sanatoriums in Tokyo for 29 years. The boss of an accessory craft company hired him knowing he was an ex-patient of the disease. KM was able to work for the company until retirement. However, he and his wife faced discrimination and had to change their apartment three times because of discrimination by their neighbors.  They were unable to find housing, and entered Tama Zenshoen, a national Hansen’s disease sanatorium in Tokyo. KM experienced the Hansen’s Disease Government Liability Lawsuit (1998–2001) as a member of the central executive committee of the All Japan-Association of Hansen’s Disease Sanatorium Residents. In 2000 he returned to Keifuen with his wife and lived there until he died in 2015., text, application/pdf}, pages = {205--225}, title = {ある菊池恵楓園入所者のライフストーリー : ハンセン病問題聞き取り《調査ノート》}, year = {2023}, yomi = {フクオカ, ヤスノリ and クロサカ, アイ} }