@inproceedings{oai:sucra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009487, author = {川上, 英二}, book = {GeoEng2000, An International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, CD-ROM,}, month = {}, note = {Recently developed methods for wave propagation analysis termed as SIORM and NIOM are compared using earthquake ground motion records of Samukawa vertical array in Japan. Three components of the earthquakes M6.5 of February 20, 1990 and M5.9 of February 2, 1992 are used in this analysis. For each component, P- and S- portions are analyzed separately at five elevations of the verti£al array. Both methods provide identical models of wave propagation and illustrate stable peaks cOITesponding to propagation of Pand S- wave. The incident phase of P- and S- wave and its reflection from the ground surface are clearly depicted. Amplification of wave in shallow layers is observed in the results of both methods. Moreover, the ratio of the amplitudes of incident and reflected wave models provides some idea about damping in shallow ground layers., text}, publisher = {Australian Geomechanics Society(AGS)}, title = {Wave propagation analysis of earthquake strong ground motion records of vertical arrays}, year = {2000}, yomi = {カワカミ, ヒデジ} }